Photos from the summer 2008 JMU REU
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The full cast of characters. The full cast of characters. Front Row: Sam Prins, Carla Martin (sitting), Anthony Tongen (sitting), Brian Walton (sitting), Jason Martin. Middle Row: Jeff Hatley, Margaret Beckom, Theresa Klinkhammer, James Madison, Phil Andreae, Emily Miller. Back Row: Amanda Hittson, Adam Falk, Matthew Spencer, Scott Ladenheim, Sarah Mecholsky. Students. Students. Left to Right: Jeff Hatley, Margaret Beckom, Amanda Hittson, Adam Falk, Theresa Klinkhammer, Matthew Spencer, James Madison, Scott Ladenheim, Sarah Mecholsky, Phil Andreae, Emily Miller.
The statistics group. The statistics group. Sitting: Spencer. Standing: Beckom, Madison, Professor Prins. The mathematical biology group. The mathematical biology group. Sitting/kneeling: Professor Tongen, Professor Walton. Standing: Klinkhammer, Falk, Madison, Mecholsky, Andreae.
The number theory group. The number theory group. Hatley, Hittson, Madison, Professor Martin. The linear algebra group. The linear algebra group. Ladenheim, Madison, Professor Martin, Miller.