HoloLens Spectator View

Microsoft's HoloLens is an interesting device for 3D visualizations and simulations. Unlike virtual reality headsets, HoloLens is a non-isolating, see-through device that's self contained and wireless with a built-in computer and battery power supply.
A little while back someone came up with a hack conjoining a HoloLens and a 35mm DSLR to create videos of a scene as if someone were seeing what the HoloLens wearer sees, but with a high resolution, wide angle view. Now Microsoft has posted instructions how to set up and use such a rig. For a sixty second overview, have a look at this video.
With HoloLens Spectator View, instructors can present a live video feed during lectures and lab presentations as seen in the video beginning at the forty second mark. I can imagine a chemistry professor using a HoloLens and Spectator View demonstrating concepts to students, manipulating elements of interactive, holographic models. The visualizations and simulations in ChemSim-VR are re-usable with HoloLens. Like the Oculus Rift, HoloLens is compatible with the Unity integrated development environment.
T.M.Wilcox, February, 2017