Sansar First Look

Two weeks ago I applied to the Sansar beta testing program to get a look at what they're calling a Creator Preview. Yesterday I got an invitation and this morning I set up an account. Reading through their Terms Of Service I noticed Linden Research wants extensive access to my hard drive. They got my permission to glean details about my use of various 3D techonologies related to Sansar. It seems like a fair trade.
I signed up for the Sansar Creator Preview for two reasons. While not a SecondLife user, I have been waiting patiently since Sansar was first mentioned in the press two years ago to see if it ups SecondLife's game. It does. Plus I'm looking for uncomplicated solutions to functional, on-line virtual reality lecture halls and labs for students, faculty, and staff. Sansar is a contender. It's got competion, though. I'm also using the Oculus Avatar SDK within Unity for ChemSim-VR development. Facebook owns Oculus, FYI.
T.M.Wilcox, January, 2017