Essential Mathematics for Middle
School Teachers
Mathematics for Middle School Teachers (EMMST) is a project in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics
at James Madision University supported
by a grant from the National Science Foundation
Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) program.
EMMST supports the new Interdisciplinary
Liberal Studies (IDLS) major at JMU. The IDLS major is
recommended for students interested in early or middle grades education.
The IDLS major requires a collection of lower-division courses along with two
upper-level concentrations.
These courses are also a portion of a program at JMU leading to an Algebra I
add-on endorsement.
For more information, contact DavidCarothers at JMU.
EMMST Development Teams:
MATH 207
Mathematical Problem Solving |
MATH 304
Principles of Algebra |
MATH 305
Principles of Geometry & Measurement |
MATH 306
Principles of Analysis |
307 Principles of Probability and Statistics |
Consultant for all teams: Lou Ann Lovin, JMU-School of Education
School Mathematics Specialist Program
Illinois State University
The ISU Middle School Program is a comprehensive major program for prospective
middle school teachers in a department with a large mathematics-education
emphasis. JMU seeks to provide a model for adapting to somewhat smaller programs
in which mathematics credits are more limited.
Sample of Other Resources:
Mathematics for MiddleSchool
Mathematics Teachers, Portland State University
Middle School
Mathematics Concentration, East Carolina University
Teacher Preparation
Archives, Case Studies of NSF-Funded Middle School Scienceand Mathematics
Teacher Preparation Projects, CIRCE, College of Education,University of
Illinois, 1993
Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School
, a journal of the National Council of Teachers
of Mathematics
Conference Board of the
Mathematical Sciences report on the Mathematical Education of
EMMST seeks to provide a program meeting teacher preparation content
standards of the National Council of Teachers
of Mathematics, MAA
recommendations, and recommendations of the Conference Board on the
Mathematical Sciences Mathematical
Education of Teachers report for grades 5-8 in a context emphasizing
effective teaching.
Data compiled by the Virginia Mathematicsand
Science Coalition indicate that over the next decade the state willannually
require 150 new mathematics/science teachers in the middle schools,but that as
of 1998 Virginia colleges and universities were annually preparingonly15 new
mathematics/science teachers per year. .
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 9952799.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.