Meaning and Metaphor - Assignment 1

James Madison University

Instructions: By 3pm, Thursday, 8/28, please send me your answers to the questions below in a short email message headed "Assignment 1". [This assignment will be marked only as an acceptable or unacceptable effort.]
**Remember to get in touch with me in a separate email headed "ENG302 help" if you have a question that really needs to be resolved before next week. I'll do my best to get back to you.**

  1. Look over the entire online syllabus ( also available through Canvas). Then answer the following questions:
    1. Which epigraph in the group of five listed below our tentative class schedule do you find most surprising? (Just type "the first", "the second", etc. :) )
    2. When is your next assignment due and what reading should you do before you do that assignment?
  2. Name a word that you think has two or more interestingly different meanings. (For example, I might put "loose" in that category, but now come up with another one. :) )
  3. Which of the following sentences do you think contain one or more metaphors?
    1. Margaret is a rock.
    2. A wave of emotion swept through me.
    3. Edmund swallowed his pride and asked for help.
    4. They are starting to spend a lot of time together.
    5. Eating well helps you fight colds and flus.

Syllabus for ENG302 Linguistics Resources Writing Resources Oxford English Dictionary Send email to Prof. Cote

ENG302, fall 2014, © JMU