Linguistic Approaches to Literature - Assignment 1

James Madison University

Instructions: Do each of the questions below. [This assignment will be marked only as an acceptable or unacceptable effort.]

  1. Look over the online syllabus ( and find the quote at the bottom of the syllabus. Copy it down for this assignment. Add any questions you may have about the syllabus. :)
  2. Write down just a one or two line excerpt from a literary work that you find noticeable in some way for its language.

  3. Also, find and write down from a "on-literary" source (advertising you bump into, dinner conversation, or whatever) one example of something interesting or noticable about the language you heard/read. Don't make up examples; you're looking for "naturally occurring" data. :)

Syllabus for ENG302 Linguistics Resources Writing Resources Oxford English Dictionary Send email to Prof. Cote

ENG302, fall 2015, © JMU