Nonliteral Meaning - Assignment 9

James Madison University

Instructions: [This assignment will be marked only as an acceptable or unacceptable effort.]

  1. Give the VEHICLE, TENOR, and GROUNDS for the following metaphors:
    1. He has a heart of gold.
    2. We can't ignore the elephant in the room.
  2. Explain the association between the metonymic meaning in each of the following and the literal interpretation:
    1. The Oval Office was busy this week.
    2. When is Dimples getting here?
    3. Wow, nice threads!
  3. An excerpt from "Pastry Chefs are in Demand..." (a recent New York Times article) is available on CANVAS under FILES. Download it, read it through once, then return to it again and search for every possible metaphor and metonym you can find. Underline all the metaphors and circle the metonyms. Choose at least two examples that you think are obvious and explain them. Also choose two examples that you think are less obvious and state why you think they could be classified as metaphors/metonyms too.

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ENG302, fall 2016, © JMU