Traditional Grammar - Assignment 14
James Madison University
Instructions: [This assignment will be marked only as an acceptable or unacceptable effort.]
- Re-read Emery Lesson Ten carefully and then diagram sentences 5-12 on p.54 and do all of the (b) exercise on p.54-55.
- Also diagram the following:
- They grew up in Kingston, a historic little city in New York.
- The clowns, Bonzo and TimTim, kept throwing pies at each other.
- Going to the wedding in your favorite clothes, a ratty, old pair of pajamas, is out of the question.
- My cousin's boss, Claire, once fired five employees of the company for sitting in the wrong chairs.
- Being worried, the student continued studying grammar and physics, two of his weakest areas, during his well-earned vacation.
- Breathing deeply, a popular relaxation technique, just makes me dizzy.
- Finally,do example 14 from Emery Lesson NINE.