Traditional Grammar - Assignment 5 (ungraded)

James Madison University

Instructions: [This assignment will be marked only as an acceptable or unacceptable effort.]

  1. Diagram just the words in the basic sentence pattern of each of the following sentences in this admittedly very simplified little story :) :
    1. Stephanie was worrying yesterday.
    2. Her two best friends are celebrating their fifth anniversary.
    3. The surprise party is tomorrow.
    4. Steph was feeling much too sick for a party.
    5. Fortunately, her grandfather can make miraculous chicken soup.
    6. She gave him a call.
    7. He cooked her a special batch.
    8. She could not stay home from work yesterday afternoon.
    9. Nonetheless, Gramps got inside with her hidden spare key.
    10. He left a big bowl of his soup there.
    11. Steph ate the whole thing last night.
    12. The secret ingredients have made her well already.
  2. Which of the following is an SVOC pattern sentence?
    1. The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain.
    2. The triangle chased the square angrily.
    3. Fresh butter will make the batter better.
  3. For each sentence in the following (slightly simplified :-) ) excerpt from Language Myths, provide the information requested below:

    "According to the "dirty fingernails" fallacy, journalists do not pay sufficient attention to language details. They never [..] scrub their linguistic fingernails clean. [...] On closer inspection, this is untrue."
    "Despite the widespread belief that women talk more than men, most of the available evidence suggests [...] the opposite. [...] There is abundant evidence that this pattern starts early."

    1. Is it a simple sentence or is it a multiple sentence?
    2. For each clause in the sentence, underline the verb, determine which sentence pattern is being followed, and explain how you recognized that pattern.

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