Traditional Grammar - Assignment 7

James Madison University

[This assignment will be marked only as an acceptable or unacceptable effort.] This assignment includes more pratice with pronouns and/versus determiners, and some new practice with adjectives.

  1. Find any paragraph of four or more sentences and replace all the noun phrases with pronouns. How is the readability of the paragraph affected by this change?
  2. Using the information in brackets as a guideline, fill in the appropriate pronoun or determiner in each blank below. Put a (P) next to the word you use if it is a pronoun, and a (D) if it is a determiner. You'll probably need to use your textbook, particularly to find some of the determiners. One hint -- though many of the relative pronouns look like the interrogative pronouns, the word "that" can be a relative pronoun too! Yes, it is yet another use of "that"!!

    1. ____________[indefinite] good joke always cheers ____________[1st person, singular] up.
    2. ____________[interrogative, human] first told ____________[2nd person] about ____________[definite] chicken crossing the road?
    3. ____________[demonstrative] is NOT a joke ____________[relative] ____________[indefinite] likes.
    4. Does the chicken really risk ____________[possessive] life just to get on the other side?
    5. ____________[first person, plural] must stop subjecting ____________[reciprocal] to chicken jokes.
    6. Let the chickens fend for ______________[reflexive]!
  3. Which of the following are predicative adjectives, which are attributive, and which are central?:
    frivolous, handy, potential, asleep, unaware, sugary, main, ill.
  4. Give one example of a gradable adjective, then write two example sentence using that adjective, one with a comparative use of that adjective and one with an absolute use of that adjective.

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