Josh Ducey

  Office:  113 Roop Hall

  Phone:  540-568-5100

  Email:  duceyje at jmu dot edu

Welcome to my homepage!  I am a professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at James Madison University.  Below you can find course information and more about me.

: Spring 2024 (Please go to Canvas for course materials)

I do research in algebraic combinatorics.  Generally I am interested in using techniques from representation theory to compute numerical invariants of interesting and beautiful combinatorial structures.  For more information, see my papers or cv.

Undergraduate Research Projects:

Here you can read about research projects I have done with undergraduates.

Recent Talks:

Some Links

Wikipedia's great math section
MathOverflow -- a cool site where mathematicians can ask and answer questions
Wolfram Alpha -- a "computational knowledge engine"
Sage -- powerful, free, open source software for mathematics research
finite simple group (of order two)
opinions of Doron Zeilberger
"A course in combinatorics" -- Poem by Kathabela Wilson (wife of mathematician Rick Wilson)
A Mathematician's Lament

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