William O'Meara's World of Philosophy & Religion

world---pictureWelcome to the homepage of Dr. Bill O'Meara, Professor of Philosophy and Religion at James Madison University. I came to JMU in 1971 when it was still Madison College and before Harrisonburg had a McDonald's. Links to my course syllabi, assignments, encylopedias in philosophy, hints on writing papers, constructing arguments, avoiding fallacies, and links to the internet are included below.

My academic interests include Phenomenology and Existentialism, American Philosophy and Pragmatism, the thought of Karl Marx, the social nature of the self and morality, contemporary Catholic theology, the Christian scriptures, world religions, computer-assisted instruction, and critical thinking.

My personal interests include:

WEB Resources for Students

Click here to send me an e-mail with suggestions for me to add to my resources for students or if you wish to ask me any questions: omearawm@jmu.edu