Meaning and Metaphor - Assignment 3

James Madison University

Instructions: Type or clearly write your answers to each of the following questions. [This assignment will be marked only as an acceptable or unacceptable effort.]
It's time to choose a word to "adopt." You'll be getting guideslines to work with your adopted word, separate from your regular assignments, but for now you want to pick a word that you think has an intesting range of definitions and uses. For this assignment, you might should look at three reputable and reasonably detailed dictionary definitions (OED plus two others) for a few words and then picking which one to submit as your choice.
Here are some suggestions (you can, however, submit your own alternative, subject to approval): adult, band, blonde, buff, bug, camp, care, dark, fiddle, flow, fret, fringe, funk, gamble, glamour, guy, hip, kit, lad, lodge, log, mad, meat, mint, poor, punk, purse, sad, sneak, spin, stuff, talent, tattoo, text, true, wave, wild, zero, zip.
Once you've made your choice, write up the following for submission:

  1. What word have you chosen?
  2. What two dictionaries besides the OED did you use?
  3. What range of meanings did you find?
  4. What differences did you notice between the three dictionary definitions?

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ENG302, fall 2014, © JMU