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ENG302: Meaning and Metaphor (Special Topics in Lit. & Lang.) (section 2, class number 72982, 3 credit hours, meeting time TTH 200-3:15, classroom K-G9) ![]() |
Professor: EMAIL: Office: |
Dr. Sharon Cote cotesa@jmu.edu Keezell 209, Ext. 82510 |
Availability: | I am available during my office hours and by appointment. |
Description: Semantics and pragmatics are, respectively, the study of meaning in language and the study of linguistic meaning in particular discourse and situational contexts. But what is the meaning of "meaning?" In this course, we'll begin by exploring how contemporary semanticians and others are attempting to explain not only what is "said" but also what is intended and what is conveyed. We'll then use this knowledge as background for a critical examination of different perspectives on how non-literal language fits into theories of meaning in language and meaning in human cognition.
Through this examination of issues in the study of meaning in literal and non-literal language, students should gain an appreciation of the difference between casual and careful discussions of meaning, should acquire both a solid vocabulary describing lexical meaning and some basic vocabulary for the study of phrasal meaning, should be able to identify certain semantic/pragmatic components of the meanings of specific literal and nonliteral examples, should be able to describe two contemporary theories about metaphor and to apply them to new examples, and should become aware of how these theoretical approaches to metaphor reflect attempts to handle complex linguistic and cognitive issues.
Required Materials: Reimer, Nick (2010).
Introducing Semantics, Cambridge University Press. Additional readings will be made available online, and some short readings may be distributed.
Work, Grading, and Attendance:
Participation (5%), "Ungraded" Assignments (13%), Adopted Word Analysis(12%), Tests (40%), Final Project/Paper (30%).
All work, other than exams, must be completed BEFORE class time on the day it is due and must submitted on time and in-class except in cases where permission for early or late submission or for an alternative submission method is given in advance. (In rare, well-justified circumstances that make it impossible to contact me beforehand, I may consider requests after a due date.) Similarly, exams must be taken as scheduled unless permission is granted for an alternative. All graded work most be completed to pass the course. Graded work (except a group project, if arranged with me in advance) must be done independently.
Assignments described as "ungraded" require an acceptable effort on all parts of the assignment for credit, but assignments with incorrect answers can still get full credit. In fact, you may sometimes be asked to consider questions about new material to see what you can figure out by looking at this material yourself before we discuss it. If you wish, you are free to work on ungraded assignments in discussion with other students, but each student should still do all parts. On occasion, there may be an unscheduled assignment in class. You can miss one "ungraded" assignment without affecting your overall grade for assignments at all. After that, each missed ungraded assignment will reduce your overall grade for these assignments proportionally.
Details about the adopted word analysis and the final project/paper are partially chosen by each student (or group in the case of a team project). General guidelines and options for these requirements will be discussed during the semester, and students are encouraged to come see me individually with their own more specific questions.
Regular participation in class is expected. Frequent unexcused absences and/or a persistant lack of preparation may result in a reduction in the participation grade, up to the full 5%, depending on my assessment of the circumstances.
Of course, all your work for this course is subject to the JMU Honor Code. If you have any questions about what constitutes plagiarism or about other aspects of the honor code,see me for clarification.
Other Course Policies:
Please read the full course policies page for additional details about grading, attendance, and other issues.
Daily Schedule: (Note that this is a tentative schedule of what will be discussed
in each class period. Changes are possible. Check for revisions.) You should have readings
done before the first class date on which they will be discussed.
Date | Topic | Text Readings |
8/26 | **NO Class Meeting** see first week assignment | |
8/28 |
**NO Class Meeting** -- but the reading listed for today is necessary context for the second assignment** |
Riemer Chapter 1, through the top half of page 16. |
9/2 |
Let's talk meaning... |
Riemer Chapter 1, remainder |
9/4 |
What should be in a really good dictionary? (time to adopt a word) |
Riemer Chapter 2, through section 2.2 |
9/9 |
Practice for a future career in the dictionary business |
Riemer Chapter 2, remainder |
9/11 |
What world do "you" and "I" live in? |
** CHG - review Chapter 2** |
9/16 |
Do you know what I think that you think I'm saying? |
Riemer, Chapter 3 and start reading Chapter 4 |
9/18 |
Relevance rules! |
Chapter 4, remainder |
9/23 |
What's the opposite of "pizza?" |
Riemer Chapter 5, through page 154 |
9/25 |
Plus or Minus Meaning |
Riemer Chapter 5, remainder |
9/30 |
Catching Up, Recapping and practicing |
No new reading |
10/2 |
10/7 |
Class Cancelled |
No Reading |
10/9 |
What do sentences mean, and can we presuppose that something is entailed?! |
Riemer, Chapter 6, section 6.6 (pages 201-209) |
10/14 |
The mind, categories, and metaphor **Note that due date moved on adopted word analysis** |
"Introducing Metaphor," through page 12 (available on Canvas) |
10/16 |
How many metaphors are living in your head?(**NEW due date on Adopted Word Analysis**) |
"Introducing Metaphor," full reading (available on Canvas) |
10/21 |
Getting creative with conceptual metaphor and first thoughts on projects |
"conceptual Metaphor Introduction" (on Canvas) |
10/23 |
Metaphor Identification and some talk about projects! |
"Pragglejaz in Practice" (on Canvas) |
10/28 |
Metaphor projects day |
no reading - come prepared to discuss assignment due today |
10/30 |
Creative Metaphor |
"Metaphor in Literature" (on Canvas) |
11/4 |
From my brain to yours - considering the conduit metaphor |
"The Conduit Metaphor: A Case of Frame Conflict in our Language about our Language" (on Canvas) |
11/6 |
Project Plan Discussion (Participation in this is 5% of your individual project grade) |
no reading |
11/11 |
The "Relevance" of Metaphor? When is it more relevant that simile and hyberbole? - first discussion |
"A Deflationary Account of Metaphor" (On Canvas) |
11/13 |
More on Relevance, plus Project Progress Reports (5% of your project grade) |
No New Reading |
11/18 |
11/20 |
Project Progress Reports and discussion (5% of your project grade) **Sign-ups for 12/2 meetings ** |
No Reading |
11/25 |
11/27 |
12/2 |
No Regular Class - Individual Projects Meetings w/Prof. Cote |
12/4 |
Project Summaries (5% of your project grade) and Perspectives |
12/11 (THURSDAY) |
" Oh, that's just semantics."
"All our work, our whole life is a matter of semantics, because words are the tools with which we work, the material out of which laws are made, out of which the Constitution was written. Everything depends on our understanding of them." Felix Frankfurter
" But the greatest thing by far is to be a master of metaphor. It is the one thing that cannot be learned from others; it is also a sign of genius, since a good metaphor implies an eye for resemblance. " Aristotle
" Most people are not too surprised to discover that emotional concepts like love and anger are understood metaphorically. What is more interesting, and I think more exciting, is the realization that many of our most basic concepts ... are normally comprehended via metaphor." George Lakoff
"[M]etaphor is not a theoretically important notion in the study of verbal communication. Metaphorical interpretations are arrived at in exactly the same way as literal, loose and hyperbolic interpretations." Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson
Look here regularly for assignments:
Lost your copy of the final paper guidelines? You can link here
for another copy.
ENG302, FALL 2014, © JMU