Vanessa Malnich founded Banded for those who struggle to find an appropriate selection of high end accessories on the average website. She has a wife and two kids, and spends the majority of her time pouring over her company to make her best efforts in providing a smooth and easily accessible user experience. She loves to hear customer feedback, and prides herself on her sense of style. She strives to continue to try to make luxury accessories (primerily headbands) accessible and affordable to the public.
Vanessa Malnich
Vanessa Malnich
Elle Granduiz
Caitlyn Knightly
Elle Granduiz is our fearless head of advertising. As a lover of high end fashion and design as well, Elle focuses on how to make Banded a company that is known by a wide array of people, and is easily and plentifully a center of discussion to the public. She loves the concept of second hand designer fashion, and has always had a place in her heart for headbands. She has a daughter and a dog and spends most of her time compiling the best possible sales pitches for Banded.
Caitlyn Knightly is one of our beloved designers, and works closely with Elle on most projects. She helped to construct Banded's notorious donation system, and has worked to create a colorful and unique feel for the companies origin story. She is recently graduated and prioritizes her health and wellbeing among other things. She is brilliant and bright, working to make the feel of Banded one that everyone can enjoy.
Meet Our Team
(540) 456- 3201
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Lele Sadoughi
Jennifer Behr
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@ Banded 2022 copyright