James Madison University |
Spring Student Dance Concert |
Wednesday-Saturday, April 18-21 8pm Earlynn J. Miller Dance Theatre |
Don't miss this exciting dance presentation featuring talented young dancers and choreographers from JMU's Dance program! |
$10 General Admission $6 Student Tickets |
Advance tickets: ticketmaster.com Phone: 540.586.7000 The Box Office (Mon.-Fri., 10a.m.-5:30 p.m. or 1 1/2 hours prior to performance). JMU student tickets in person, at the box offive with student ID. One ticket per ID. Student tickets are not available online. |
Forbes Center for the Performing Arts, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA 22808 P:540.568.7000 This announcement was sent to recipient@company.com by jmugrph312@jmu.edu Privacy policy. To unsubscribe click here. This HTML email was produced for a classroom assignment. Please do not forward this email. |