James Madison Univeristy Public Affairs
I write feature stories for Madison Scholar and Madison Magazine, help maintain and brainstorm the launch of our new website, and once produced and wrote script to video for a JMU event. (Fall 2007-present)

BBC World News America
Traveled with producers on shoots, contributed to web strategy of new website, researched for stories, executed daily production tasks, familiarized with Electron Media Production Service (EMPS). (Summer 2008)

PBS Religion & Ethics Newsweekly
"The Church of Baseball," went to editorial meetings, traveled with producers for stories, researched for editors, transcribed footage.
(Summer 2007)

The Breeze
As a contributing writer for JMU's student newspaper, I write about football, basketball, and even wrestling as well as a weekly fantasy football column. The Breeze serves as the only JMU paper on campus. (Fall 2006-present)

James Madison University
Student Ambassadors

Serving past, present, and future students through campus tours, outreach events and university functions. We are the first faces perspecive students see. (Spring 2008-present)

The Oracle
As a member of West Springfield High School's school paper, I took positions of Sports Editor, Sports Assistant Editor, and Sports Columnist.
(Spring 2004-Spring 2006)