Description and Syllabus
Math 310 is an elective in Number Theory for math majors. At its heart, Number Theory is an area
where one "thinks deeply about simple things," the simple things being the integers and the wondrous
relationships and intoxicating deep theorems about this most simple and primitive of sets.
To some extent we'll take a Great Questions approach to this class --
please see the Introductory Problems worksheet on the third page of the syllabus. You are required to think
and make conjectures about these problems in the first week.
There will be a lot of problems in this course, in the sense that we will redevelop rich and old theories
and apply to it to surprising contexts. The course assumes completion of Math 245, in particular,
a grasp of proof by induction and knowledge of the Euclidean algorithm for integers. We will closely
follow the required text, more or less going at a pace of one section a day.
- We will meet on MWF from 12.20-1.10 in Roop 213.
- Office hours are MWF 9.30-10.50 in Roop 323, ending at 10.30 if no one shows.
- The text for the class is Number Theory by George E. Andrews, published by Dover.
- A detailed syllabus is here.
- Click here for Homework. Be sure to hit the refresh button!
- Some tips on how to write mathematics.