Being a child of the 90’s I became very familiar with computers at an early age, as well as programs like Napster which started the peer-to-peer file sharing revolution. Napster was the first generation of these programs, followed by the Gnutella network programs like Kazaa and LimeWire. The third generation became known as BitTorrent. I have been an avid user of all of these programs throughout my life and use BitTorrent on a regular basis.
The purpose of this infographic is to catalog my accumulation of music and movies through internet piracy. I chose a circular shape to represent the connection of data across the world through the internet. The center circle represents my total collection of music and movies. Stepping outward you see two parts of a circle. Music is the upper right section and movies are the lower section. From there I have given information on the source, file type, and alphabetic information.
The purpose of this infographic is to catalog my accumulation of music and movies through internet piracy. I chose a circular shape to represent the connection of data across the world through the internet. The center circle represents my total collection of music and movies. Stepping outward you see two parts of a circle. Music is the upper right section and movies are the lower section. From there I have given information on the source, file type, and alphabetic information.