Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born May 22nd 1859 in Edinburgh Scotland. He wrote the Sherlock Holmes stories between 1887-1927. In the early 20th century he wrote a Pamphlet entitled 'The War in South Africa: Its Cause and Conduct.' It is believed that, this pamphlet lead to him being knighted in 1902. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle died in East Sussex July 7th 1930. The epitaph on his gravestone reads 'Steel true/Blade straight/Arthur Conan Doyle/Knight/Patriot, Physician, and man of letters.'

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*The plaque on the Conan Doyle pub reads: Located close to the Conan Doyle is Picardy Place, where the pub's namesake, the great author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, was born on May 22nd 1859. There have been houses on this site since 1685, when French refugees (who had fled the province of Picardy, due to the revocation of the Edict of Nantes when Louis XIV declared Protestantism illegal) built Picardy village. Today, an over life-size Bronze statue of Conan Doyle's greatest creation, Sherlock Holmes, stands opposite his birthplace. The most famous fictional detective is portrayed in meditation on the death of his author.