Opening MIKTEX
Go to the "Start" menu and choose "Programs", then "Applications", then "MiKTeX 2.8", then "TeXworks".
Creating and compiling a TeX file
This shold open up fairly quickly. Now copy and past the report template (from the txt file) into the document. Then go to "File", the "Save As...", the save it as "Lastname_Firstname_Report.tex" to "My Documents."
Now you are ready to compile the document by clicking on the "play button" (looks like a triangle in a green circle) or by going to the the "Typeset" menu and selecting "Typeset." Have patience, this may take a few moments. If there are errors in the code, you will get an error or warning in a box at the bottom of the screen.
Helpful hints
Note, you will need to compile the document twice to make the contents, labels, and bibliography.
If you are including figures, they must be located in the same directory as where you saved you .tex file. This version of tex will include figures as pdf's fairly well. |