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Roger Thelwell
Department of Mathematics
Roop Hall, Roop 106
MSC 1911
James Madison University
Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807
Voice: (540) 568-5103
Fax: (540) 568-6857
Schedule: Current
Teaching & Office Hours
In SP25, I am teaching calculus:
OFFICE HOURS: Please see my current schedule We will figure out office hours in the first week of the course and they will be posted on the schedule above.
- MATH 235: Calculus I
- Please ask general questions on our shared discussion board on Canvas. That way everyone can see them and benefit from the answer, and maybe someone in class has an answer for you! If you have a specific question, you can always email me.
- via EMAIL: I'll try to answer general Disscussion questions directly on the dicussion board and mention in class, and reply to more specific ones via email. I get a lot of email, though, so you'll need to put "MATH 236" in your subject line so that my email filter catches it. If it is urgent, use something like this "MATH 236 URGENT"
- If you'd like to make an appointment for time not regularly scheduled, please check my weekly calendar for an opening and send me an email request.
In previous semesters at JMU, I've taught:
- The Joy of Mathematics: Math 103 (SP17)
- Mathematics of Ancient Greece: Math 103 (SM10,SM11,SM13,SM15,SM17,SM22)
- Exploratory Math I: Math 167 (FA22)
- Introductory Calculus: Math 205 (SP11,FA15,FA18,SP19,FA20,SP21,FA21,FA24)
- Calculus with Algebra: Math 231 (FA08,FA09) and 232 (SP07,SP08,SP11,FA14,SP15,SP16,FA16)
- Calculus I : Math 235 (FA09,FA11,FA12,FA13,FA22,FA24)
- Calculus II: Math 236 (SP13,SP23)
- Calculs III: Math 237 (FA12,SP14)
- Linear Algebra and Differential Equations: Math 238 (FA13)
- Computers & Numerical Algorithms: Math 248 (SP10,FA10,SP12,SP14,SP19,FA19,SP20,FA20,SP21,FA23)
- Math for Industry: Math 267 (SP21)
- Exploratory Math II: Math 297 for Haynes Scholars (SP23)
- Methods of Applied Calculus: Math 337 (FA15, FA18)
- Non-linear Dynamics and Chaos: Math 341 (SP17)
- PDE and Fourier Series: Math 440 (FA08, FA09, FA20, FA21)
- ODE theory: Math 441 (SP09)
- Numerical Analysis: Math 448 (SP16)
- Numerical Analysis for ODE: Math 449 (FA16)
Research Interests
I am interested in applying mathematics to physical problems. I have worked on problems from atmospheric science, coupled multi-physics, porous media, and nonlinear waves. I'm currently thinking about analytic continuation and ODE. My most recent work has been in support of an efficient power-series based algorithms in missile trajectory simulation. With my collaborators in the JMU PSM group, we've developed a family of high fidelity and efficient trajectory models for the 3 degree-of-freedom (3 DOF), 3+3 DOF, and full 6-DOF models, under a 1976 atmosphere and J6 gravity. We are always looking for JMU students as collaborators in this work, and have been fortunate to attract grant funding that allows us to support some of these students in summer positions. I use both analytic and numeric techniques, while drawing on aspects of dynamical systems, theory of differential equations, functional analysis and numerical analysis. More specific information can be found here. Links to papers are found here.I'm also involved in the M-cubed program, a six-week summer National Research Experience for Undergraduates Program (NREUP) funded by the MAA. Read more about the NREUP, and about the JMU M-cubed program. While the bad news is that we are currently unable to apply for the external funding that supports this program, the good news is that we are ineligible because JMU is national REU site!
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