The Inquisition Trial of José María Morelos
When doing research in Spain last semester, I stumbled across the Inquisition trial of this famous.  Independence leader of Mexico.  I was so caught up by it, I decided to take down a rough translation and summary, which follows.  Some of the questions we might ask of this document are:

1. Why is there so much emphais on Morelos’s geneology in the first part of the document?
2. What is the specific crime or crimes for which Morelos is being charged?
3. What ideas were deemed dangerous by the Inquistors and why?
4. What seems incongruent in the fact that Morelos had two sons?  Do the Inquistors sound shocked?

From the Archivo Histórico de España, Madrid
Inquisición, Leg. 3592, no. 18

Submitted to the Señores of the Council of His Magesty of the Supreme Holy General Inquistition by Señor mManuel de Flores, Inquistor General of Mexico

The Audience (or hearing) before the Inquistors:  In the Holy Office of the Inquisition of Mexico on the 23 day of the month of November of 1815,  in this, the morning Audience, the Señor Inquisitor Dr. Don Manuel de Flores ordered that a prisoner be brought in from his jail, whom, when present, was received with an oath according to the proper form of law, under penalty of which he promised to speak the truth concerning what he knew and was asked, in this Audience and in [any] others, until the end of the case= Asked what his name was,  from where he was a natural [where he came from], what his age and occupation were, and when he was imprisoned= He said his name is Don José María Morelos, natural of the city of Valladolid [Spain],  fifty years old, he has been the priest in  Caraquaro, that he was imprisoned the night of the 21 of the current [month]= Parents= Manuel Morelos, his mother Juana María Pabón= Paternal Grandparents José Morelos, and that he did not remember what his grandmother’s name was= Maternal Grandparents José Antonio Pabón, and the grandmother he thinks was named Guadalupe Cárdenas= Paternal Uncles, he said that he didn’t have any on the side of this fathers, and on his mother’s side Don Ramón Pabón=  Siblings of the Confessant: he said that he had Don Nicolás Morelos and doña María Antonia Morelos= Children: he said he has two Juan Neopmuceno and José= Asked what caste and of what generation his Parents, Grandparents and the rest were- he said: that they are Spaniards,  on both sides= Asked: if he is Christian, baptized and confirmed, if he goes to Mass, confesses and takes communion, and if he complies with the precepts of Our Holy Mother Church, and if he has the Bull of the Holy Crusade. He said: that he is a Christian, baptized and confirmed, that he has gone to Mass, that he performed Mass when he was a priest, and that after he has confessed and repented and he has complied with the rest of the precepts and that doesn’t have the Bull of the Crusade=  He made the sign of the cross and crossed himself and responded to the questions about doctrine that he was asked= Asked if he knew how to read and write and if he has studied in any course of studies. He said: that he knows how to read and write, and that he studied Grammar, Philosophy and Moral Philosophy and no other course of studies= Asked for the discourse of his life: He said he was born in Valladolid, and stayed there until he was fourteen, and from there he went to Pazinpán, and there he worked for eleven years as a peasant farmer,  from where he returned to Valladolid, and studied what he has already said, and there he was ordained in each order up to Presbitero, that he was opposed by the parish priests [for ordination], he was interim pastor in Choromuco for about a year, and later they gave him possession of Caraguaro, where he was pastor until the revolution began. = Asked if he knew the reason for his imprisionment.  He said:  that he presumes it is for having commanded arms in the insurrection, commissioned by the rebel Hidalgo to raise troops in the tierra caliente, and southern coast, where he went when he left the pastorship of Caraguaro on the 25 of October of 1810, through the pueblos of San Gerónimo, Zacatula, Petatán, Tyepan, Toyac,, Coyuca, as far as Acalpulco, Chilpancino, Tisla and Chilapa, until the Junta was called in August of 1811, and after, commissioned by the Junta with the office of General Lieutenant, .. until he was taken prisoner by the Lieutenant of Patriots. ...
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