The Inquisition Trial of José María Morelos

Summary of the Prosectutor of the Holy Inquistion’s charges:

1.  Being the beneficiary of Great God’s goodness, he was raised in a country which professes the Catholic Religion, as is the Bishopric of Valladolid [, Spain], of Christian parents, who provided him with the best education and [saw to it] that he learn to read and write, studying Grammar, Philosopy and Moral Philosophy... he should have been faithful and have recognized these abundant benefits from God, but far from this, he abused them all, removing himself from the profession of Shepard of Souls, to become a carniverous Wolf.
2. He maintained his loyalty with Hidalgo after the Edict of the 13th of October of 1813, in which all of those who approved of Hidalgo’s sedition as Heretics and subject to penalties as such, lending whatever help he could, favoring his revolutionary ideas...
3. He disregarded the censures and threat of excommunication issued by the Bishop Elect of Valladolid on the 22 of June, 1814, in which he was named by both first and last name..
4. He found the edict of the Tribunal dated 13 of October in a packet of papers in the house of the Commander of Teipan, Don Fuentes,  and thus knew of the excommunication
...6. He said Mass in the middle of the Insurrection with his hands stained by the much blood he[himself] had shed.
7. He is guilty of voluntary homicide, rebellion against the King.  Obstinant, hardened and tranquil in the abyss of his iniquities, he confessed and repented, and complied with the annual precepts... proof of the heights of his insubordinance...
...10. He is guilty of trying to “decatholocize,” by means of superstition and fanaticism, a noble,  sencillo (simple, sensible), Catholic and devote people, making them believe that it was in the cause of Religion, using his Priesthood and imbuing ridiculous ideas...
11. He has committed the most grotesque calumnies against the King and his Ministers, against the Europeans in general, against the Señores Bishops (especially of Valladolid), and against the healthy part of the regular and secular clergy.  He has changed the principal articles of the Catholic Religion, imbuing the Pueblos with the error that Christ did not shed blood for the insurgents, which is impossible...[and] that Insurgent priests are no longer priests, and lose their character as such...
12. The greatest proof that this Prisoner reached the extremes of Atheism and Materialism is in his bloody and cruel conduct, not only in battles, but also in cold blood, not only with Europeans, but also with his miserable countrymen, who opposed his ideas...
16.  While by itself it is not suspicious, in this Prisoner it is:  the fact that he had sent in June of this year his thirteen-year old son to study in the United States, it being certain that in that country Tolerance of Religion reigns.  This leaves us to infer that the will of this Prisoner was that his poor son might study those corrupt books that form licenciousness, heresy, [and become] capabable to one day carry forward the maxims of his sacrilegious father. .
17 and 18. As an individual in the Revolutionary Junta he approved of the error-riddled Constitutional Decreee of 22 of October of 1814.  He not only signed it, but ordered that it be carried out with bodily force on the pueblos..
...20.  That this Prisoner induces suspicions more vehement still, not only of Tolerance but of Atheism and Materialism, for being imbued in the fundamental maxims of the heretical social pact of Rousseau and other pestitilant doctrines of Helvecio, Hobbes, Espinosa, Voltaire and other reprobate anti-Catholic philosophers.   He was not content only to read them, but also to transcribe, copy, subscribe to their deliriums;  such as they are, they say that the law is the expression of will, and that the society of man is of mere will and not of necessity, and from here they consider that man is independent from God and his eternal justice, and of nature, reason and honesty.  In this libertine system, the society of man is neither necessary nor natural, and this is in their abomidable constitution, that rational [man.  or humans] has no obligation other than that promised in the social pact or through the expression of common will ....

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