
Hello. My name is Emily Brooks and this is my site. Have a look around. Enjoy yourself! Here you will find some examples of my projects and samples of my freelance work. Let me tell you about myself so that you have an idea of what I do and how I got here.

I will graduate May 5, 2012 with a BFA in Graphic Design and am originally from Glen Arm, Maryland. In 2011, I studied at La Trobe University in Victoria, Australia for four months while interning at JWB&CO, a graphic design firm. It was one of the best experiences of my life and allowed me to grow creatively and further my knowledge of design and business.

Design has always been in my life. I mimicked drawings at a young age and was surrounded by my grandmother's designs and watercolors. It was not until high school at Maryvale Preparatory School in Brooklandville, Maryland that I really found my passion for design and art history. I have had the pleasure of learning from and working with wonderful graphic designers throughout my university degree and internship. I thank everyone who has helped me get to where I am today. Contact me. I would love to hear from you.

- Emily Brooks