Professional Portfolio

Professional portfolio in web & instructional design

Professional Portfolio in web & instructional design

I began my journey to further my education through the Adult Degree Program of James Madison University in the fall of 2009. I had previously achieved Associate Degrees in Computer Science and Business Administration, but I felt compelled to get my Bachelor's Degree to increase my marketability in the workplace.

My creative outlet and drive for knowledge has taken me farther than I every thought possible. My experience so far stems the academic fields of Art, Business Administration, Communications Studies, Computer Science, Learning Technology and Leadership Education, Writing Rhetoric and Technical Communication, Computer Information Systems, and specialization in web and graphic design, and instructional technology and photography. I used all of my own photography or had the authority to use the photography throughout the website.

Just the name instructional technology piqued my interest in the spring of 2015 when I created my spring class schedule. I knew that there would be a great deal of cutting edge technology that I would learn about, and I haven't been disappointed. In addition, I learned about the Education - Educational Technology Master of Education program. While I am still interested in teaching within WRTC, I am also interested in applying for 2016 fall admission to the Education Graduate Program. The program is designed to provide opportunities to explore and research emerging technologies for learning, and aid the student in integrating these technologies in the professional workplace. (Education: Educational Technology)
Note: This website is best viewed in FireFox for best optimization of the Photoslider!

My daughter, Brandi's Wedding My daughter, Chelsey at Brandi's Wedding My daughter, Brandi's Wedding Brandi's Rehearsal My daughter, Brandi's wedding reception My daughter, Brandi's wedding centerpiece My daughter, Brandi's wedding centerpiece JMU tulips O'Team Picnic FSS 2015_day1 O'Team grad 2015 VA Beach JMU evening sunset JMU 1787 FROGs

"Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve."

- Mary Kay Ash