University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
PhD Geophysics, May 2008
University of Wisconsin-Madison
BS Geology and Geophysics, May 2002
Academic Appointments
James Madison University
Department of Geology and Environmental Science
Assistant Professor, 2008 - Present
Associate Professor, Effective August 2014
Research Background
University of Minnesota, Advisor: Justin Revenaugh
Mantle Dynamics, Composition, and State in Regions Associated with Active and Ancient Subduction
University of Wisconsin: Employment 2002-2003
Geophysics Laboratory, Supervisor: Nikolas Christensen
University of Wisconsin: Advisor: Clark Johnson
An Electron Microprobe Study of the Fe-Ti Oxide Minerals from Chaos Crags, Lassen Volcanic Center, California
Carnegie Institution of Washington, Advisors: Charles Prewitt and Przemyslaw Dera
High Pressure Studies of Urea Using Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction
James Madison University, Department of Geology and Environmental Science
GEOL110L: Physical Geology Lab
GEOL291: Writing and Communication in the Geosciences
GEOL398: Geophysics and Geochemistry of Hawaii from Top to Bottom
GEOL440: Geophysics
GEOL442: Field Geophysics
GSCI101: Physics, Chemistry, and the Human Experience
GSCI104: Scientific Perspectives: Geology and Cinema
University of Minnesota, Department of Geology and Geophysics
GEO2201: Geodynamics I: The Solid Earth,
Laboratory Teaching Assistant
Academy College, Bloomington Minnesota
GM2013: Environmental Science,
Macalester College, Geology Department
GEO102: Exploring the Solar System,
Guest Lecturer and Laboratory Co-Instructor
University of Minnesota, Graduate School
GRAD8101/8102: Preparing Future Faculty Teaching Forum
Participant: 6 credit hours
Professional Memberships
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
Association for Women Geoscientists (AWG)
Geological Society of America (GSA)
National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT)
Study of Earth's Deep Interior (SEDI)
Publications (Reprints available upon request; * = Student Author)
In Preparation:
Geier, C., A.M. Courtier, and A.K. Mort*, In Preparation. Evaluating the potentail of geophysical analysis to supplement arcaheological investigation: Military Encampment at Camp Misery, Virginia (Site 44ST0286). To be submitted to Journal of Mid-Atlantic Archaeology.
Hier-Majumder, S., E.B. Keel*, and A.M. Courtier, 2014. The influence of temperature, bulk composition, and melting on the seismic signature of the low velocity layer above the transition zone. Journal of Geophysical Research., 119, 971-983, doi:10.1002/2013JB10314.
Bagley, B., A.M. Courtier, and J. Revenaugh, 2013. Seismic shear-wave structure of the mantle beneath northeast China and the northwest Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 5417-5427, doi:10.1002/jgrb.50385.
Huckfeldt, M.*, A.M. Courtier, and G.M. Leahy, 2013. Implications for the origin of Hawaiian volcanism from a converted wave analysis of the mantle transition zone, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 373, 194-204, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2013.05.003.
Dalton, C.A., J.B. Gaherty, and A.M. Courtier, 2011. Crustal Vs structure in northwestern Canada: Imaging the Cordillera-craton transition with ambient-noise tomography. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, B12315, doi:10.1029/2011JB008499.
Hier-Majumder, S. and A. Courtier, 2011. Seismic signature of small melt fraction atop the transition zone. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 308, 334-342, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.05.055.
Courtier, A.M. and G.M. Leahy, 2011. Joint receiver function - ScS reverberation analysis examining discontinuity structure beneath ocean islands, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 101, doi:10.1785/0120100209.
Courtier, A.M., J.B. Gaherty, J. Revenaugh, M.G. Bostock, and E. Garnero, 2010. Seismic anisotropy associated with continental lithosphere accretion beneath the CANOE array, northwestern Canada. Geology, 38, 887-890, doi:10.1130/G31120.1.
Bagley, B., A.M. Courtier, and J. Revenaugh, 2009. Melting in the deep upper mantle oceanward of the Honshu slab, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 175, 137-144, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2009.03.007.
Courtier, A.M. and J. Revenaugh, 2008. Slabs and shear wave reflectors in the midmantle, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, B08312, doi:10.1029/2007JB005261.
Courtier, A.M., M.G. Jackson, J.F. Lawrence, Z. Wang, C.-T. A. Lee, R. Halama, J. Warren, R. Workman, W. Xu, M.M. Hirschmann, A.M. Larson, S.R. Hart, L. Stixrude, C. Lithgow-Bertelloni, and W.-P. Chen, 2007. Correlation of seismic and petrologic thermometers suggests deep thermal anomalies beneath hotspots, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 264, 308-316.
Courtier, A.M., B. Bagley, and J. Revenaugh, 2007. Whole mantle discontinuity structure beneath Hawaii, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L17304, doi:10.1029/2007GL031006.
Courtier, A.M. and J. Revenaugh, 2007. Deep upper mantle melting beneath the Tasman and Coral Seas detected with ScS reverberations, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 259, 66-76.
Courtier, A.M. and J. Revenaugh, 2006. A water-rich transition zone beneath the eastern United States and Gulf of Mexico, in Jacobsen, S. and Van der Lee, S. (Eds.) Earth's Deep Water Cycle: American Geophysical Union Monograph, 168, 181-193.
Courtier, A.M., Hart, D.J., and Christensen, N.I., 2004. Seismic properties of Leg 194 Serpentinites and their geophysical Implications. In Shinohara, M., Salisbury, M.H., and Richter, C., (Eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, 195, 1-12.
Presentations * = Student Author
J. Browning*, A.M. Courtier, M.G. Jackson, V. Lekic, S.R. Hart, and J.A. Collins, 2013. Crust and mantle structure beneath the Samoan Islands, American Geophysical Union , Fall Meeting 2013, DI41A-2317.
A.M. Courtier, C. Constantin, and C.F. Wilson*, 2013. Non-seismology seismology: Using quake catcher seismoloters to analyze the frequency of bridge vibrations, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2013, S31B-2351.
A.M. Courtier, E.J. Pyle, L. Ficther, S.K. Lucas, and A. Jackson, 2013. MAESTRO: Math and Earth Science Teachers Resource Organization, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2013, ED11A-0719.
St. John, K., A.M. Courtier, and E.J. Pyle, 2013. Writing and Communicating in the Geosciences: A 1-credit required course to prepare undergraduates for independent research, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2013, ED23D-0734.
Pyle, E.J., A.M. Courtier, L. Fichter, S. Lucas, and A. Jackson, 2013. Integration of mathematics and earth science in middle and high school: the MAESTRO program, Geology Society of America Annual Meeting, October 2013.
Pyle, E.J., A.M. Courtier, L. Fichter, S. Lucas, and A. Jackson, 2013. Focused math-science integration in middle and high school: the Mathematics and Earth Science Teachers Resource Organization (MAESTRO) program, Mid-Atlantic Association for Science Teacher Education regional meeting, September 2013.
A.M. Courtier and J. Browning*, 2013. Mantle structure beneath Samoa, Gordon Research Conference: Interior of the Earth, Mt. Holyoke College, June 2013.
Hier-Majumder, S., E.B. Keel*, and A.M. Courtier, 2013. The nature of the anomalous low velocity layer above the transition zone, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory deep Earth workshop, INVITED, May 2013.
Hier-Majumder, S., E.B. Keel*, and A.M. Courtier, 2012. Detection of melting atop the mantle transition zone, Eos Transactions for the Americal Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2012, INVITED, D21C-02.
Keel, E.B.*, S. Hier-Majumder, and A.M. Courtier, 2012. Geodynamic modeling of seismic observations to assess degree of melting beneath the Hawaiian Islands, Annual Meeting, 2012, Paper 170-4, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 44:7, 425.
Courtier, A.M., M. Huckfeldt*, and G.M. Leahy, 2012. Structure of the transition zone and upper mantle beneath the Hawaiian Islands: Implicatons for mantle heterogeneity and upwelling, AGU Chapman Conference on Hawaiian Volcanoes - From Source to Surface, August 2012.
Cross, K.,* D. Sumner,* A.M. Courtier, S. Boone,* S. Christman,* K. Hazelwood,* B. Meier,* C. Noon,* C. Patterson,* M. Tracy,* and C. Nash, 2012. Evaluating the Potential of Geophysical Techniques for Archaeology Survey: The James Madison University Farm, Submitted to the Middle Atlantic Archaeological Conference, 2012.
A.M. Courtier, T. Charlton,* C. Nash, and A.S. Hartshorn, 2011. Joint Archaeological and Geophysical Study of Landes Cemetery, Augusta County, Virginia, Archaeological Society of Virginia Annual Meeting, October 2011.
Courtier, A.M., 2011. Comparison of Deep Upper-Mantle Melting in Varying Tectonic Environments: Insights from Seismic Observations, Eos Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010, INVITED, DI43C-04. Abstract
Courtier, A.M., 2011. Hot or Not? Using Seismic Observations of Mantle Discontinuities to Examine Thermal and Chemical Variability in the Earth, Eos Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010, INVITED, ED44A-02. Abstract
Hier-Majumder, S. and Courtier, A.M., 2011. A Combined Study of the Influence of Melting, Temperature, and Chemical Composition on Seismic Wave Velocities, Eos Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010, DI51B-1873. Abstract
Mort, A.K.* and A.M. Courtier, 2010. Ground Penetrating Radar Study of Site 44ST0286: Military Encampment at Camp Misery, Virginia. Mid-Atlantic Archaeology Conference, Spring 2010 Meeting. Abstract
Courtier, A.M. and G.M. Leahy, 2009. Joint Receiver Function - ScS Reverberation Analysis Examining Discontinuity Structure Beneath Ocean Islands, Eos Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, DI13A-1634. Abstract
Courtier, A.M. and T.J. Scott, 2009. Evaluating Scientific Misconceptions and Scientific Literacy in a General Science Course, Eos Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, ED23A-0521. Abstract
Brooks, T.* and A.M. Courtier, 2009. Attenuation Analysis of Quarry Blast Vibrations, Eos Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, NS13A-1140. Abstract
Daigle, E., C.A. Dalton, J.B. Gaherty, and A.M. Courtier, 2009. Mapping the Radially Anisotropic Crustal Velocity Structure of NW Canada Using Ambient-Noise Tomography, Eos Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, U51C-0041. Abstract
Courtier, A.M., J.B. Gaherty, and C.A. Dalton, 2008. Mapping the Moho Beneath Northwest Canada: Crustal Structure Across CANOE, AGU Fall Meeting 2008, S23A-1874. Abstract
Dalton, C.A., J.B. Gaherty, and A.M. Courtier, 2008. Mapping the Radially Anisotropic Crustal Velocity Structure of NW Canada with Ambient-Noise Tomography, AGU Fall Meeting 2008, S31A-1877. Abstract
Revenaugh, J., A.M. Courtier, and B. Bagley, 2008. Seismic Hygrometry of the Mantle, AGU Fall Meeting 2008, INVITED, T13C-1961. Abstract
Courtier, A.M. and J. Revenaugh, 2007. Deep Upper Mantle Melting Detected with ScS Reverberations near Subduction Zones, AGU Fall Meeting 2007, INVITED, MR31D-03. Abstract
Courtier, A.M., J.B. Gaherty, and J. Revenaugh, 2007. Continental Assembly and Anisotropy Beneath the CANOE Array, AGU Fall Meeting 2007, V43B-1366. Abstract
Courtier, A.M. and J. Revenaugh, 2007. Signals of Subduction and Subducted Slabs in the Mid-Mantle, Subduction Zone Geodynamics Conference, Montpellier France, June 2007. Abstract
Courtier, A.M, J. Revenaugh, M.G. Bostock, J.B. Gaherty, and E.J. Garnero, 2006. Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure from Receiver Functions Along the CANOE Array, AGU Fall Meeting 2006, S41E-03. Abstract
Lee, C.-T., A.M. Courtier, R. Halama, M. Jackson, A. Larson, J. Lawrence, Z. Wang, J. Warren, R. Workman, W. Xu, M. Hirschmann, S. Hart, L. Stixrude, C. Lithgow-Bertelloni, and W.-P. Chen, 2006. The Thermal State of the Earth, AGU Fall Meeting 2006, V33D-08. Abstract
Courtier, A.M., 2006. Water in Earth's Mantle: Inferences from Seismic Discontinuities, University of Minnesota, Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship Seminar: October 2006.
Courtier, A.M., 2006. Transition Zone Discontinuities Beneath the Southwest Pacific, 2nd CIDER Summer Program, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California-Santa Barbara.
Courtier, A.M. and J. Revenaugh, 2005. Mapping the Transition Zone Discontinuities Beneath the Southwest Pacific Ocean, Eos Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2005, DI41A-1252. Abstract
Courtier, A.M. and J. Revenaugh, 2004. Mantle Discontinuities Beneath the United States and Gulf of Mexico from ScS Reverberations, Eos Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 85:7, Fall Meeting 2004, S53B-0204. Abstract
Revenaugh, J., A. Courtier, M. Avants, J. Gaherty, E. Garnero, N. Schmerr, M. Thorne, S. Ford, J. Yoburn, M. Bostock, A. Baig, A. Langlois, J. Mercier, J. Oueity, T. Nicholson, and N. Barstow, 2004. CANOE: A Broadband Array in Northwestern Canada, Eos Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 85:7, Fall Meeting 2004, S53B-0208. Abstract