"All the world is a laboratory to an inquiring mind."

Martin H. Fischer (1879 - 1962)

Research Students
I work with students on research for class projects, semester long projects, and extended research projects. Projects can focus on near-surface (applied) geophysics or deep Earth seismology. I am also interested in working with pre-service teachers to develop curricular materials as part of education research and outreach. This summary highlights students whose work has been presented at regional or national meetings and/or published in peer-reviewed journals, or students who have continued to graduate school on related projects.

jillian Jillian Browning (BS Geology, x2015)
Mantle structure beneath Samoa
ellen Ellen Keel (BS Mathematics, x2014)
Geodynamic modeling to assess degree of melting above the transition zone
tim Timothy Charlton (BS Geology 2012)
Joint ground penetrating radar - soils analysis at Landes Cemetery, Augusta County, Virginia
matt Matthew Huckfeldt (BA Earth Science, 2012)
Implications for the origin of Hawaiian volcanism from a converted wave analysis of the mantle transition zone
timbrooks Timothy Brooks (BS Engineering, 2012)
Attenuation analysis of quarry blast vibrations
wilson Collin Wilson (BS Physics, 2011)
Non-Seismology Seismology: Using QuakeCatcher seismometers to analyze frequency of bridge vibrations
  Kathryn Cross (BA Anthropology, 2011)
and Daniel Sumner (BA Anthropology, 2012)
Evaluating the potential of geophysical methods for archaeological survey at the JMU farm
april April Mort Walker (BA Earth Science, 2010)
Ground penetrating radar study at a military encampment, Camp Misery, Virginia
blair Blair Benson Schneider (BS Geology, 2009)
Ground penetrating radar study of Riverside Graveyard, Port Republic, Virginia