MATH 200
Lectures: MWF 12:30-1:20
p.m., William Rainey Harper
Memorial Library Room 103
Instructor: E.
Course Web Page:
Office Hours: MW
9:00-10:00 a.m., W 1:30-2:00 p. m. E326
Course Description: A course description and necessary
prerequisites can be found in
your course catalog or at the following link to the
Math Department Webpages.
Course Content: This
is a fast paced course that will cover the algebra and geometry of Euclidean space, differentiation, extrema, vector-valued function, multible integrals and integrals over curves and surfaces. Also included are
integral theorems of vector analysis.
Prerequisites: MATH 15300 or equivalent. Entering students who have placement for MATH 15100-15200 may begin MATH 20000; such students have the requirement for MATH 15300 waived, but do not receive placement for MATH 15300
Required Text:
Vector Calculus, 5th Ed. by Marsden and Tromba
Participation and Attendance: Attendance
will not be taken but homeworks will be collected at the beginning of
class. Homeworks not turned in at this time will be given a
zero. Lecture and discussion
participation and attendance are highly recommended.
Grading: The course
grade is based on the top 9 of 10 total homeworks, 2 Midterms, a
Final, and a group project.
Midterm 1 25%
Midterm 2 25%
Group Project 15%
Homework 10%
The midterms will not be cumulative in the strict sense of the
word. However, it will be necessary to know previous
material. The dates and times of the Midterms and the Final are
listed in the
Midterm 1 will cover Chapter 1-3 (
Exam 1 Solutions), Midterm 2 will cover Chapter 4-5 (
Exam 2 Solutions).
The Final will be cumulative and will cover Chapters 1-7.
The date, time, and place of the Final is fixed.
The Final will have the following
Formula Sheet attached for your use.
Final Exam Policy:
It is the policy of the Department of Mathematics that the following rules apply to final exams
in all undergraduate mathematics courses:
The final exam must occur at the time and place designated on the College Final Exam Schedule. In particular, no final examinations may be given during the tenth week of the quarter, except in the case of graduating seniors.
Any student who wishes to depart from the scheduled final exam time for the course must receive permission from Paul Sally (office is Ry 350, phone is 2-7388, email is sally "at " Instructors are not permitted to excuse students from the scheduled time of the final exam except in the case of an Incomplete.
Homework: Homework will
be assigned weekly on
Friday and will be due at the beginning of class on the
following Friday (or Wed. if the Friday is a holiday or reading day). There will be a total of 10 homeworks and the
lowest scores will be dropped. Homework and must be turned in at the
beginning of class. The list of problems will be given in class
in Fridays and can also be found here.
Suggested Problems: These
Suggested Problems are assigned
from the text book and are strictly for your own practice. They
are not to be turned in but should provide more experience with the
different problem types. One to two problems from this "suggested" list will appear on each exam. Please feel free to ask questions on
these and other problems.
Group Projects: Group projects are assigned to develop your understanding of the material as it applies to the world around you. You will need to think logically, reason, and apply your knowledge on these problems. Your group must consist of 3-4 people. You must submit the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of your group members by Friday, Jan. 15 at the beginning of class. You will be required to turn in a Preliminary Report (guidelines here) on Friday, Feb. 5 at the beginning of class. Please follow the guidelines. Failure to do so will cause severe frowning and disappointment. The project topics are listed
here. Choose one for your group. You will then submit a Final Report (guidelines here) on Friday, Mar. 5 at the beginning of class. No late reports will be accepted.
Exam Policies: All exams
are closed book and close notes. No calculators or electronic
devices are allowed. Cell phones may not be used as calculators
or clocks.
Policies for Missed Exams:
It is the student's responsibility to notify the instructor
to the exam date if there is a conflict. Midterms may be given early
so long as the student makes the proper arrangements with the
instructor. Any rescheduling of an exam requires proof of
reason. There will be NO late exams allowed. If a
student misses a midterm for unforeseeable, emergency reasons and the
student can provide proof of the emergency, then arrangements may be
made so that the student does not receive a zero for that exam.
The Final
cannot be missed.
Policies for Late Homework: No
late homeworks are accepted. Late
or missing homeworks will be given a zero.
Electronic Devices: Please
make certain that all cell phones and pagers are TURNED OFF before
lecture begins. Cell phones and pagers are disruptive to the
whole class.
Obligatory Statement About Academic
Fraud: All work in this course must be of your own
original composition. Students are welcome to work in groups on
homework but each student must submit his or her own homework.
Unethical behavior during exams, such as unauthorized crib notes,
looking at a neighbors exam, or communication during an exam (verbal,
written, electronic, or otherwise) will not be tolerated.