Hi there! I'm Steph and welcome to my portfolio website created to best show you what design looks like through my eyes. Let me tell you a little about myself first, art and design has always been a passion of mine. I remember as little as 5 years old I was drawing and designing books about leaves and trees for my grandma. I tried making a whole series about the trees in her backyard, even though I think there were only 3 different types of trees in her backyard, and I'm pretty sure I made all of them up but it was the thought that counted. Other than design I have a passion for traveling. It's easy for me to get comfortable at home and forget that there are so many other places around the globe that live a completely different lifestyle than we do. I have been to the UK, Costa Rica, and Canada, and this summer I will be going to Greece there are so many other places around the globe that live a completely different lifestyle than we do. If you have any places you recommend I’m all ears. Another fun fact about me is if I like a show enough I will rewatch that show an embarrassing amount of times over again. I have rewatched Friends, How I Met Your Mother, The Vampire Diaries, Grey's Anatomy (yes all 19 seasons I didn’t stop at mcdreamy), The Office, New Girl, and don’t even get me started on rewatching all the Marvel movies. My friends would describe me as bubbly, fun, light-hearted, determined, and hard-working. I hope this helped you get to know me just a little better and I'm excited to show you my work.

Stephanie Branam


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