Configure, Focus, Build

Feb 20, 2018

The team’s this week worked hard on making real strides on each of their deliverables.

Front End Team

Worked on their application and website while also creating a logo that represented both the class, the vehicle and JMU. A basic website and application was created. The next step was to focus on creating a database and finalizing the design plan.

Motor Control Team

Were faced with reality of how much each of their parts and pieces would cost:

  • 2 Feedback Linear Actuators
  • 4 Mounting Brackets
  • 2 RoboClaw 2x15A Motor Controllers (V5D)
  • Adafruit 9-DOF Absolute Orientation IMU Fusion Breakout — BNO055
  • Adafruit Perma-Proto Super Pack!

Total Cost= $561.78

Planning and Navigation Team

Worked on assessing the terrain and trails of JMU to see how they could make the vehicle go with as little resistance as possible. They found that Mapquest API is inadequate, however Google is not. Mapquest did not work correctly for pedestrian paths.

  • Script needs to be rewritten to function with Google API
  • Code needs to be written to convert Google polyline format to a list of lat/long points
  • Be able to deliver intermittent goals to Front End team, so they can display if they want to

Sensing and Planning Team

Are working on getting our LIDAR up and running. They are learning about the functionality of the ZED stereosopic camera as well as testing the ultrasonic and IR sensors with Arduino. Good progress is being made.

About Us

We are a mixed team of JMU student working to produce a self driving golf cart.

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