Communication Organization and Reaserch
Feb 20, 2018
The team is moving toward our first dry run which will take place at X-Labs at the end of this
week. We expect to test our vehicle and have it fully integrated. The team is prepared to face
some glitches, and make improvements for the next dry run. Additionally, the team will be
presenting at the X-Labs innovation summit on Friday April 27th at 4:30 pm in Lakeview Hall.
Members of the project will be presenting along with students from five other x-Labs classes.
You can register to attend the event here. Also, check out our new facebook page @JMU
Autonomous Vehicles.
Front End
The front end team moved the blog over to the new website which you can view here. A photo
gallery has also been incorporated into the website. The website’s connection to the database is
still in development, and once they are fully connected, this will allow users to see the location
of the car as it progresses, the destination, and information about the sensors.
Planning and Navigation
The planning and navigation team has run into a snag moving their stuff over to Amazon Web
services. The transition has proven to be time consuming, and with a quickly approaching
deadline, it might be better not to transition to AWS.
Sensing and Processing
The sensing and processing team is making steady progress with the ZED sensor, the GPS,
and the Lidar sensor. The GPS now connects to a node that publishes latitude, longitude and
Motor Control
The motor control team completed their motor control code and implemented it with keyboard
controls for vehicle movement. They have finished milling all of the control systems. Their next
step is to run a full test with all of the control systems mounted.