Fulks Run, Virginia: Where the river is clean and there's chicken on the grill!

From the Hollow Road Guitar Shop:

DragonHart: Joinery

Click on pictures and links for more. Use the back button on your browser to return to this page.

Joining DragonHart's Back: A few things about gluing two long and wide pieces of wood together for tops and backs.
Each half of the back gets its turn on the shooting board. With a benchhook on one end and stop on the other, the shooting board holds the piece while a hand plane slides and cuts along its long gluing edge.


Some other links at the Hollow Road Guitar Shop, Chuck's Instrument Website:

Two halves of the back are ready to join. A joining board is used to test fit the pieces. Wedges will hold the two pieces into position horizontally while a hold down strip will keep them from "popping" out in the middle.
The two halves lie face down and ready for gluing. A thin strip of wood lies under the glue seam to add pressure after it is removed and the two halves fall together.
The two halves securely joined on the joining board. Lots of clamps are handy.

Some other links on Chuck's Instrument Website:

Meet DragonHart

Back to Chuck's Home Page

On to the Finished Arch Top Page (Full Sized guitar from 2000).

Arch Top Under Construction Page (DragonHart will experience similar processes).

Chuck's Other Instrument Work