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Beyond the Mac Basics Tutorial  
These tutorials and software described are copyrighted, with all rights reserved by Apple Computer, Inc. The Apple logo is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. ©1997 Apple Computer, Inc. 

Select from the following a tutorial to review:  

 Desktop Tutorial  
 Finder Tutorial  
 Disk Tutorial  
 Applications Tutorial 
 Hardware Tutorial  
 SCSI Tutorial 
 SYSTEM Tutorial 
Help Section 
Apple Guide  
Backing up a floppy 
Choosing a Printer 
Closing a document 
Copying data 
Create folders 
Dialog Box  
Delete Files or Folders 
Eject a floppy 
Erasing a floppy 
Find files 
Help menu  
Icons, name  
Initialize a floppy disk 
Insert a floppy 
Move Files  
Nest Folders  
Open hard drive  
Opening an Existing Document 
Printing a document 
Quitting an application 
Rename files or folders  
Saving a file 
Write protect a floppy 


Last reviewed:  
 August 1998  

School of Media Arts and Design  

James Madison University  
Anthony Seeger, Rm. 11  
Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807